FERMO Design

FERMO Design

We offer a wide range of beautiful designer rugs, made of 100% pure new wool (Cunera Fermo), 100% tencel (Cunera Como) and/or a combination of both (Cunera Fermo/Como). Due to the wide color palette in both Fermo (140 colors) and Como (70 colors), the possibility of freely combining colors exists. Of course you can also choose the already existing designs as shown.

All rugs are “hand-tufted”, which means that all yarns are inserted by hand. In this way, designs can be very specifically and precisely processed into a beautiful rug. If the desired design is not in the range, it is also possible to supply your own pattern to create a completely unique rug.

Look for all colors and designs on the relevant page of Fermo and/or Como or ask us about the possibilities.