Our vision inspires us to make carpets and rugs from sustainable, natural resources. Our vision is high quality, straight from the Netherlands.
natural design
why choose cunera?
We strive for top quality and sustainable use of natural resources, and have done every day for over 150 years. Cunera supplies everything from our own production sources and we have a large national network of dealers.
Cunera Flooring's history goes back to 1870. For decades, cunera has been producing coconut runners, rugs and mats and has been committed to natural carpets. And with great success!
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why carpet?
Comfort and warmth are the biggest advantages of a carpeted floor. But did you know that the absorbent properties of carpet make it hygienic, it dampens sound and is easy to maintain?
so choose carpet!
There is only one world. Which is now home to more than 7 billion inhabitants, who jointly have the responsibility of handing down this world to future generations, to the best of our ability.
Want to know more about how cunera lives up to these ideals?
about our social responsibilitiesCircular according to Cunera
Our fully circular carpet is now available as broadloom and finished carpet.
Circular according to CuneraInspiration
For more information contact us